
Explore our impactful projects, including large-scale and unique opportunities, where your contributions help transform spaces for those with eating disorders.

  • Administration Building

    We are preparing to renovate our garage to convert it into an administration building. Why does this matter so much? It will allow us to DOUBLE the number of patients we serve. That's right - double! Twice the Kingdom impact, twice the testimonies, twice the number of lives saved.

  • Room Sponsors

    We are excited to offer a unique opportunity for you to directly impact the women who will come to The Charis House through our Room Sponsorship Program. Through this, you will gain a unique and special connection to the residents.

  • Property Expansion

    Property Expansion

    God has provided two acres of land directly behind Charis House. On this land, we will be building Charis Place, a dedicated space for our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), and Charis Cove, a residential treatment center for adolescents.